We offer Fresh water bowser supply in Nairobi & Kiambu Kenya services using soft water delivery tankers for domestic, office, construction and industrial use, CALL 0721155332.

Fresh Water Tanker Supply in Juja - Other Services, Kironjo Mercy |  Jiji.co.ke

Our fleet of water tankers can be found in Kasarani, Ruaka, Karen, Limuru, Kiambu, Roysambu, Kikuyu, Kinoo, Ruiru, Joska, Ruai, Syokimau, Kilimani, Dagoretti Corner and Wangige.

Fresh water has particular qualities in terms of color and flavor, and is generally defined as naturally occurring water with low concentrations of dissolved salts and minerals:

Fresh Water Color:

Transparent and Colorless: A pure, colorless water with few dissolved solids, sediments, or contaminants is considered ideal fresh water.

subtle Tint: The presence of algae, tannins from vegetation, or dissolved organic compounds can occasionally give fresh water, depending on its source, a subtle green or brownish tint. But frequently, this is not an indication of pollution.

Cloudy or Murky: If fresh water contains suspended particles like silt or organic matter, it may appear cloudy or murky. This is more common in rivers or lakes after rainfall.

Taste of Fresh Water:

Neutral and Tasteless: Pure fresh water has a neutral taste and is generally tasteless. This is because it lacks significant amounts of minerals, salts, or organic compounds that contribute to flavor.

Slightly Sweet or Metallic: The flavor of fresh water can be slightly sweet or faintly metallic, depending on the natural minerals that are present. For instance, water containing traces of magnesium or iron may taste rather metallic.

Earthy Taste: Organic chemicals like geosmin, which originate from bacteria or algae, can give water from springs, lakes, or rivers an earthy or musty taste. However, these compounds are usually present in small amounts and are not hazardous.

A peculiar taste or color in fresh water may be a sign of contamination or a greater mineral concentration. The general goal of water treatment procedures is to get rid of any unwanted color, taste, or odor.

As freshwater percolates through soil, rocks, and sediment, it absorbs trace amounts of dissolved minerals used by Fresh water bowser supply in Nairobi & Kiambu Kenya . These minerals provide natural water its distinct qualities and are vital to human health. Depending on where it comes from—rivers, lakes, groundwater, or springs, for example—fresh water has different kinds and amounts of minerals. Common dissolved minerals in fresh water include the following:

  1. Calcium (Ca²⁺)
  • Source: Dissolved from limestone, gypsum, and other calcium-rich rocks.
  • Importance: Essential for bone and teeth health in humans and animals. It also helps regulate water hardness.
  1. Magnesium (Mg²⁺)
  • Source: Found in dolomite, serpentine, and other minerals in the Earth’s crust.
  • Importance: Plays a key role in muscle function, energy production, and enzyme activity. It also contributes to water hardness.
  1. Sodium (Na⁺)
  • Source: Dissolved from sodium-rich rocks and soil.
  • Importance: Regulates fluid balance in the body and is involved in nerve function, though fresh water has much lower sodium levels than seawater.
  1. Potassium (K⁺)
  • Source: Leaches from clay, feldspar, and mica in the soil.
  • Importance: Essential for cell function, muscle contraction, and maintaining fluid balance.
  1. Bicarbonate (HCO₃⁻)
  • Source: Formed when carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in water, forming carbonic acid, which then reacts with rocks.
  • Importance: Helps maintain the pH balance of water and acts as a buffer, preventing large swings in acidity or alkalinity.
  1. Chloride (Cl⁻)
  • Source: Comes from natural salt deposits or human-made sources like road salt.
  • Importance: Plays a role in maintaining osmotic pressure in cells and tissues, though fresh water usually contains it in much lower concentrations than seawater.
  1. Sulfate (SO₄²⁻)
  • Source: Found in soil and rocks containing sulfur compounds, such as gypsum.
  • Importance: Important for various biological processes and contributes to the overall taste of water.
  1. Iron (Fe²⁺ / Fe³⁺)
  • Source: Comes from the weathering of iron-containing minerals like hematite or magnetite.
  • Importance: Required for red blood cell production in humans, but in higher concentrations, iron can give water a metallic taste and cause staining.
  1. Silica (SiO₂)
  • Source: Erodes from silicate minerals such as quartz.
  • Importance: While not essential for human health, silica plays a role in the growth of plants and diatoms in aquatic ecosystems.
  1. Fluoride (F⁻)
  • Source: Naturally occurring in some groundwater from rocks like fluorite.
  • Importance: Low levels of fluoride are beneficial for dental health, though excessive levels can cause health issues.
  1. Nitrate (NO3-
  • Source: Usually derived from fertilizers, agricultural runoff, and natural processes like the nitrogen cycle and you can find this in Fresh water bowser supply in Nairobi & Kiambu Kenya .
  • Significance: Although excessive nitrate levels in drinking water can be hazardous, particularly for young children, they are necessary for plant growth.

Manganese (Mn²⁺)


  • Source: Present in minerals like rhodochrosite and pyrolusite.
  • Significance: Necessary in minute quantities for the organism, especially for the formation of bones and the operation of enzymes.




By kamjoe

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